Thursday, 16 July 2009


I'm seriously loving the installation art from Chiharu Shiota, its kinda dark and slightly creepy as a whole, everything I love :D

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Illustration God!

I've had a book in my possesion for awhile now by the most amazing illustrator. Russian born Vania Zouravliov. I dont really need to say anything just look at the illustartion he does, he's a true modern genius.

He doesn't have a website but you can catch him on facebook

and myspace

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Dissertation started *sigh*

I've finally started writing a bit of my dissertation, I know I need to get it done I just can't be arsed...I've come to the conculsion that writing is pointless and I prefer to look at pretty pictures. Pretty pictures are the way forward as Riitta Päiväläinen proves. I found these pictures quite along time ago but there still my favourites, Enjoy.

Thursday, 9 July 2009

monsieur Qui

I'm back up north to charge my batteries in preparation for the final push for my collection which is approaching fast and not sure what I'm gunna be doing for it yet, but I got plenty of time to simmer some idea's up.

Anyways I found this illustrator who goes by the name Monsieur Qui

Friday, 3 July 2009

Jirat James Patradoon

loving the illustrations from Jirat James, with his comic book style imagery.

Saturday, 20 June 2009


As I've been working constantly doing pattern cutting,which incidently is coming to an end on monday, yay! anyways as I've been side tracked from doing my work for a minute, check out some cool magazine's I've been looking at.

And now back to workage (sigh)

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Crazy Knittage pt.2

More from Hannah's collection, truly awesome stuff.loving it.

all the best hannah with the MA :)

Crazy Knittage

More Pictures from Hannah Taylors GFW collection.

Rave GFW

Some amazing stuff from Rave at this years GFW, heres a few snippets of some of my favourites.

Calum HarveyHannah Taylor

Mehmet Ali

I'm amazed at who won the gold award, shockingly bad.anyway its a crime Hannah Taylor didnt win.

Monday, 1 June 2009

PAPERgraphics are the future!

Yulia Brodskaya with her amazing papergraphics amongst other things of course but these are hot.


first post, and its a good one.
Stumbled across this fella Jim who has a thing for skulls, so do I after having seen what he does with them.